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This doesn't have to be you...

  • I get messages every day from photographers who are struggling to shoot... even for free
  • I get messages every day from people who are paralyzed by fear of making their clients feel worse about themselves because they don't know how to take a good picture.
  • People who genuinely want to help women, but they don't have a structure to follow.

Every day photographers are getting the answers they've been looking for inside this course.

I've Taught Literally Thousands of Photographers

Student Success Stories

(more at the bottom of the page!)


I get it--starting your own business (especially one as intimate as boudoir photography) is terrifying! But what if you could spend a whole day immersed in a virtual mentorship with a six-figure earning boudoir photographer who can teach you about client experience, building trust, how to price yourself, and how to pose with confidence?

Get Instant Access

New Module: Accelerator Course Alumni Share Their Own Secrets to Success

What is it like to go from $20k to $200k in one year? Accelerator Alumni Brianne, along with FIVE other Alumni, share their secrets in this section of the course.

My 25 Best-Selling Poses

That sinking feeling you get when your brain goes blank, and you have no idea what pose to do next? I've totally been there, sweaty palms and all! I put together this 50 minute posing video with a real client so that you can hear the exact words I’m using to get dramatic and perfect poses every time (cue the epic album sales!) NOW with an accompanying posing app that you can reference during your shoots!

Every Angle of Marketing to Get Clients Knocking Down Your Door!

Learn Marketing from Danielle of Evoke Boudoir, who books 10 clients a month, 4 months in advance at an average of $3,000 per client! Learn to market on Instagram, with SEO, how to network, run perfect sales and Danielle's secret weapon, Google ads!

The BulletProof Pricing Guide

Whether you've never charged a dollar for your photography or you're averaging $1500 per client, I'm going to walk you through my pricing guide step by step to show you how to increase the amount you're making on every single session.

Thriving as a Male Photographer

Being a male photographer has a few extra challenges, but I'm going to share with you the 10 most important things to be aware of as a male in this business. If you're wondering if it's possible to run a thriving boudoir studio as a guy, I'm the proof, and this section will show how you can too.

My Guaranteed Up-Selling System

I can't believe I'm sharing this trick that will almost guarantee your clients purchase more photographs than they were planning on when they walked in the door. I've had clients expect to spend $1000 and leave spending $3500.

"Your system is GENIUS" I just finished a sales session where she spent $300 more than the package we originally agreed upon. That almost never happens! - Danielle, Evoke Boudoir

Booking Them on the Phone

(The Secret Phone Script)

The exact word for work script I use to book 75% of the clients I get on the phone. And it works for everyone.

Join the Exclusive FB Group!

Michael goes live once a week for trainings. Limited space is available.

More Student Success Stories!


Finally started booking consistently and no longer has empty spots in her calendar! " She has been able to quit all other types of photography now that she is making consistent money with boudoir!

Layra from New York!

"A perfect mix of helping with the creative side as a boudoir photographer and setting the foundations" Went from beginner to building a boudoir business with a strong client workflow that allows him to enjoy shooting pictures.

Alex from Ontario!

Get In On Their Success! - Download Now!

Here is What You'll Get!

  • Marketing Mini-Course with Evoke Boudoir - (Value: $197)
  • My 25 best selling poses and app - (Value: $197)
  • My Exact Pricing Guide Pricing Lesson - (Value: $197)
  • How to Upsell Every Client - (Value: $97)
  • Book them on the phone Script - (Value: $127)
  • Accelerator 2.0 eBook - (Value: $97)


  • My Plug and play Email Templates - (Value: $147)
  • How to Thrive as a Male Photographer - (Value: $67)
  • Client Attracting Website Guide - (Value: $47)
  • Outfit Idea Guide - (Value: $47)

Total Value: $1220

Limited time Pricing: $297

Let's Do This! - Download Now!

Meet Your Instructor

I'm Michael Sasser

I moved to Los Angeles, one of the most competitive photography cities in the world, and found a way to survive in this overly saturated market. Not just survive actually, my average sale over my last 14 clients is $4351. Most people think boudoir is a difficult niche to be successful because of how intimate it is. Most people don’t know how to build trust properly but I promise it isn’t that hard. Most people don’t have someone in their corner.

Watch The Course Overview by Michael Sasser


What is Included In The Course?!


  • First Step - Your Client Attracting Website
  • Powerful Facebook Groups
  • Instagram Tricks and Secrets
  • Get Found with SEO
  • The Google Ads Goldmine
  • ​Effective Networking
  • How to Run the Perfect Sale
  • Guaranteed Book Them on the Phone


  • Watch me coach beginner photographers through common mistakes
  • See the changes I make in their shots
  • Choosing outfits and communicating posing
  • Dealing with awkward silences
  • ​How to get variety and shoot different perspectives and more


  • How to get your clients to spend more than they originally planned every time
  • Earn more with each photoshoot no matter what your rates are


  • Video - Word for word posing instruction to help you sell more images
  • Hear the exact phrases I use to direct my clients into poses they are comfortable and excited about.
  • An Exclusive Posing App you can use during the shoot so you always know what to do next.


  • Use the pricing structure that is averaging me $3700 right now
  • A system for increasing your prices over time.


  • Male v. Female photographers Shooting without a studio
  • Having client friends at the shoot
  • Boudoir for wedding photographers
  • ​Building client comfort
  • Shooting nudity
  • How to get started from the very beginning


  • The 10 things you need to know to thrive as a male boudoir photographer

This Course Wont Work For You if...

  • If you think you need to be perfect before you try anything

This course is for ambitious photographers. It's for photographers who are willing to step outside of their comfort zone to create the life they have always wanted. If you are planning on just watching some videos for inspiration, this course isn't for you.

  • If you're afraid of what others will think about you

I've been judged, called a perv and called a terrible photographer... But I've also been thanked by my clients for helping them see their beauty for the first time. I've seen women cry when they see their pictures finally realizing the value they have in this world. Don't let a stranger discourage you from changing the life of someone who will thank you endlessly.

  • If you don't see value in yourself

People spend $3000 on camera gear, which doesn't contribute to their income, but fear to spend $200 on a proven system that could have upwards of 100x ROI. If you want your clients to invest in you, in themselves, then you have to invest in yourself.

  • If your full-time job takes up all of your time

If there is one thing I'm passionate about, it is efficiency. Did you know that my average client takes me just 7 hours from the first email to album delivery? That is less than a full workday and with a $3700 client average, and I'm going to show you how I do it so you can fill up your saturdays with cleints until you're ready to quit that 40 hour/week job.


Frequently asked questions

  • I'm a beginner, is this course for me?

Absolutely. I show you how to start a portfolio, even if you haven't ever taken pictures before. My 25 poses are easy to follow no matter your camera/skill level. If you have a passion, this course will show you the rest.

  • I have a full-time job, can I still accomplish this without much free time?

If there is one thing I'm passionate about, it is efficiency. Did you know that my average client takes me just 7 hours from the first email to album delivery? That is less than a full workday and with a $3500 client average, and I'm going to show you how I do it so you can fill up your Saturdays with clients until you're ready to quick that 40 hour/week job.

  • Can I shoot boudoir if I don't have a studio?

I started my boudoir business with an extra room in my house and nothing but a futon. When I first moved to LA I shot out of my living room with 2 roommates and didn't even have a mattress. If you REALLY want a dedicated space for shooting boudoir, we go over all the options for renting spaces to shoot before you get a dedicated studio.

  • I'm making $100,000 per year with boudoir, is there anything in here I don't know?

Congrats on running a successful boudoir business! You'd be surprised how many Six-Figure boudoir businesses's I talk to that never thought of how I do upsells, or don't have an automated email system that works. I'm confident that you'll find something in here that is well worth the cost of admission. And if you don't, I have a 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee.

What Photographers Are Saying

Start Creating Jaw Dropping Images TODAY!

Total Value: $1220

Limited time Pricing: $297

Get Started Now - Instant Access

Your Instructor:

Chief Instructor

Michael Sasser

Hello friend! Nice to meet you! I am Michael Sasser, your instructor for this course and I am SO excited to meet you. I have been a professional photographer for 11 years (I know, I can't believe it either!). My first job was photographing children's sports for 16 hours a day in the dead of summer for less than $10 an hour. I decided that I needed to make a change if I was going to make this a real living. I photographed high school senior portraits, headshots, weddings, even music videos and wedding videos until I found boudoir. Now, I've been exclusively photographing boudoir for over three years, improving the lives of my clients and enjoying the extra time (and income!) it requires to travel more. I can't wait to help you reach your goals!

Michael Has Been Featured On:

If you don't feel you've learned how to get started after watching, the course is on me!

Even MORE Success Stories!

So many photographers are finding success, getting booked, and doubling their sales from the course! Are YOU going to be next?

Get Started Now - Instant Access